Your Missionaries in Caracas, Venezuela since 1998

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last updated:  October 11, 2007

The capital city of Venezuela - Caracas - is the home to over 6 millon people. Less then 10% of them are protestant of any kind of denomination.  Team Expansion, a Missionary organization afilitated with the Christian Church / Church of Christ movement, has a team of missionaries in Caracas.  Several families form this team with the goal of establishing 12 churches by 2010.   There are several families serving on this team.  Jim and Judy Dye where among the first missionaries to arrive in Venezuela in 1986.  They have four children who have now married and returned to work with this team full time, and work with different works in Caracas. John continues to work with his parents in the orginal church plant of EL BOSQUE.

john is co-pastoring the church with his father Jim as the senior pastor, sharing in the preaching and leadership training responsibilities.  Though John's main empahisis is with the college age and young single adults.

El Bosque is a church with an average of 110 in attendace. of which the majority of the members being youth, college age and young single adults. The national leadership of this church is formed by these young men and women.  The Church service style is contemporary, and uses various post morder approach to ministry to appeal to the younger generation.  the church averages 34 baptism a year.

john and Zandra are living linnk missionaries of Christ Church at Mason in Cinciannati, OH, which serves as their home base when they are in the states on Furlough.   CCM became John's home church when he moved to the Cincinnati to attend Bible College at CCU where he graduated in 1995.  Zandra also attended one semester at CCU as foreign language student.  Zandra also comes from a missionary background.  Her Colombian grandfather first moved to Venezuela in the 1930's to plant a church becoming one of the first Baptism missionaries in Venezuela.   Zandra leads the young single womens ministry where she teaches and gives counsel to the younger girls.

John and Zandra have a daughter named Julia born in 2004

John and Zandra have been on staff with CCM since 1998.

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photo taken on May 2007