Julia's New Family

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these pcitures were taken at Jose daniels wedding in march

I love going to weddings, I get to see all my family and they dress me up really nice.  plus tehy always take a lot of pictures.  not to mention that there are alwasy flowers.  I like flowers, and music.  I am always the center atraction on the dance floor.

family portrait

Mom says we never take pictures of all three of us together.  

goofy portrait

Ok Julia if you are not going to laugh I Am goign to have to tickle you.   "ok I will smile just dont tickle me"


daddy takes photo of his favorite girls

what does someone have to do around here to get some food.

Julia shows her tan line under her neck

mom did you hear that I Think I heard God talking to me

Julia cant wait to have long hair

"hey mom, when will my hair be as long as your?"

Julia dsicovers flowers

"daddy gave me this pretty rose.  I like flowers, I hope this wont be the last one I get"

Michael shows his charm

"michael pull your pant leg down they are getting ready to take pictures"    michael- "there is another camera over here, besides I think there is an ant in my pants, it tickles"