A few more great Family pictures

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These are the last of my photos...but there will be more

Today has been a long day.  Feb. 24, 2004 will be remembered as my birthday.  I was born around 2:04pm.   My mom arrived at the hospital around 12pm.  She was taking her time, because she thought it was only a false alarm, since it was week 37.  But she was wrong.  She was about 6 cmts. dialated by this time.  and bythe time they took her upstairs and applied the epidural, she was already at 10.  that meant I was ready to come out.  Daddy came right behind us with his video camera to capture every moment.  I heard he held mommys hand the whole time while filming with the other.  Mommy only had about 4 more contractions while we were in there.  She really couldn't tell since she was sedated.  So with some assitance from a doctor they actually pushed me out into the world.  I weighed 2.540 Kilos.  which is about 5.57 pounds.  and 50 cmts. tall, or 19.7 inches in length.  the first thing I did was count and see if I had all my fingers. then I got to kiss mommy.  daddy was busy with the camera, and kept following me around everywhere.  - JULIA

Uncle Gustavo and me

My uncle is still single.  I need to find him a nice girl he can marry.  any suggestions?

Aunt Linda and cousin Angela

This is my aunt Linda, her name means pretty in spanish.  She is also single. hint hint.  oh and thats my cousin Angela.  she is two years older than I am.  We will be playing together as soon as I grow up a little.  then we will be hiting the MALLS

Thats me sleepling - Julia Nicole

Sorry I am a sleep in this picture.  I can help it, but these days I am always tired, and I sleep most of the time.  I am just trying to give my parents  break during the day.  Though at night I like to wake up often

Finally in mommy's arms

This is actually the first time my mommy holds me.  I did get a kiss from her right after I was born, but I was so confused I didn't know what was going on at that time.

This is the door at the hospital room

Aunt Linda is posing infront of my room at the hospital.  Grandpa Adolfo Paid someone to decorate my door, for my big welcome. 

Some body wake me up

When the nurses finally brought me to the room to meet everyone, I was already a sleep.  No one was aloud to pick me up yet. 

I met my grandpa Adolfo

Grandpa Adolfo was among the first to hold me.