24 baptism between Jan-Sept 2005

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Meet your new family in Christ. these are only new believers since 2005

Our goal is to have 44 baptism at the end of the year.   so far we have bapstized 24 in caracas, and 4 in San Cristobal or mission project.  so we have 28.   We are very excited about the possibilities of reaching our goal  we have never reached or goal in the past. 

Arenato y Fernanda July

Estefania is 21 years old, actually her birthday was feb. 22 - yes the same day she got baptized.   She onlyh has been attending church for 3 weeks, and she already has decided that Christ is what she has been missing in her life for a long time.  

as a matter in fact, in her testimonyh she tells how she hs hated God, for not being there for her when her father abused her as a child.  she had grown to hate her father and God for allowing it.  as a result she  lived a life of hatred, anger, grudge, which took away her peace in life.  at nights, ws the worse, cause she would have trouble sleeping and feared to be aloneat home.  

one day she began praying God heal my heart.  and within a week she met a christian guy from our church who inveted her to small groups meeting and to church.   when she arrived at church that sunday, her life was changed for ever.  

Now she can sleep at night and is happy again, and loves God.

Jesus July

Maylin is a a 25 year old who has been attending our college ministry since December.  her Boy friend Saul is not yet a chirstian but plans on being baptized at oour youth retreat march 11th.

Genesis - Jan. 16th

Genesis is the 13 year old sister of one of our fsithfull college girls.  we are praying for two more sisters to also come to know the Lord.


Genesis sisters' -


andres 19, was baptized march 5th

andres is the latest guy to get baptized as a result of our sports outreach and evangelsim at the climbing wall.   Andres is an excellent climber and competes in the national tournaments.   He comes from a non believeing family who have practiced black magic in the past.  He never accepted those beliefs and is the only one in his family to have personally relationship with Christ.  hopefully he will not be the last

francisco, 25, was baptized march 5th

Francisco is a excellent muscician he plays many instruments inlcuding the Harp, guitar, base, and typical venezuelan instruments.  He presently makes  living out of teaching people hwo to play the guitar.   He will be a great asset for our worship minstry.  his girlfriend Dianna who brought him to Christ, was only baptized abotu a month ago, and is also a musician. she plays the violin.  both of them played at our youth retreat last weekend.  its sounded great!  franscisco has a twin brother who we hope will come to Christ someday as well.  pray also for dianna and francisco's realtionship - they have been goign through soem rough patches, which may distract them from building their relationship with Christ.